Just a view sneakpeeks today, still can't show you the complete album, cause you-know-who might see it, and we don't want that to happen, do we? Ok, so I had a lot of fun creating this, and if I may say so myself, it looks great, and the rest here in the house feels the same way about it. Lucky me, can you imagine that they didn't like it, than I had to start all over again, now way, not me! Gotto do lots of things in 10 days..... I don't think I will be able to do that much scrappin' when mom's gonna be here!
Here's another one, I can show you, but that's it for now. As soon as I can, I'll put the complete thing in a post for you!
After I finished this, my desk looked like
a tornado passed by ........ I think I did about 5 or 6 projects/LO's with all the mess on it, and I couldn't stand it anymore, so had to clean up. Not my favorite thing to do, but it had to be done. Oh boy, this looks terrible, don't you think, can't imagine that I was able to work in a mess like this!
So, threw a lot of small scraps away, couldn't use them anymore, dusted, stacked a lot.... and finally..... I was done and man, does it look good now!
Like no body does any scrappin' here:-) I've got a whole new empty desk.. well, not completely empty..... but .....well see for yourself!
Doesn't it look clean? I think it does, gives me more space to work on, so off to the next project, have to start with is soon, like tomorrow, cause the deadline is the 15th, and that's Sunday! Yes Scrappers_NL girls, I'm gonna start with the challenge/lift LO... hopefully I'm done in time!
Ziet er gaaf uit sis!! Denk dat "je-weet-wel" et super zal vinden!!!
Enne...succes met de challenge!!
Ben het helemaal met Jeanet eens ! Super !
En die challenge, lukt makkelijk...
Ziet er gaaf uit!!! Groetjes Mireille_A
ziet er mooi uit hoor!! en wat een ruimte heb je weer gemaakt!! kan je weer lekker werken toch!! groetjes
Haha mijn scraptafel ziet er in opgeruimde staat net zo uit als die waar jij aan gewerkt hebt!
Enne ik denk dat HET wel in de smaak zal vallen, bij je/weet/wel LOL
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