Saturday, July 23, 2011


For some reason I can't leave any comments on blogs!
The people that participate in the Journal Journey and visit me, I want to revisit. I do, but when I wanna comment, I have to log in like 10 times, and nothing happens........

Don't really like it, but can't seem to do anything about it, so sorry girls! Hope you read this and get why you don't see me commenting on your pages!

While I'm here, I might as well show you another page I did recently.

This is my youngest daughter Anouk, who turned 16 on July 11. She decided to go and get her G1 and she did! So very proud of her!

Well, thanks for stopping by and hopefully I can leave comments again soon!


Je@net said...

Wow, die Anouk toch. Stoer zeg, feliciteer haar van me.

scrappy jen d said...

WOW! Zestien al weer?
Nog van harte en ik kan me jullie trots helemaal voorstellen! Geweldig!
Liefs, Jen.

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

hoi Marjolein, via via kwam ik op je blog en lees dat je problemen hebt met commentaar geven. Ik had hetzelfde. Als je bij inloggen je emailadres etc. invult moet je het vinkje dat vermeld staat bij aangemeld blijven weghalen en dan is denk ik ook jouw probleem over. Waarschijnlijk gebruik je Windows Explorer als browser en die geeft problemen. Je page is fantastisch mooi en zonnig. Kom zeker bij je terug. En hoop dat je probleem dan is opgelost.
Groetjes Marja

Trece said...

Congrats to your daughter!! I see that you made a lovely PINK & ORANGE page about it!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!!

Unknown said...

Hello again, I love the page for your daughter and we share the same B'day the 11th July ha. I hope your commenting problems are soon sorted, it must be so frustrating for you. You know I love the journal pages you have been making ;0) Dxx