Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Busy, busy........

Still here!!! But busy with other stuff than scrappin' .... unfortunately, cause I'd rather scrap than study for my drivers license:-) But, I have to, as I can't drive with my Dutch drivers license here and my International one is valid till April 27th.. auch...... Still it's crazy that you can't drive here with a Dutch license, if I was from Germany, everything was fine, get in the car girl and enjoy driving! Everybody knows that if you can drive in Holland, you can drive here, and that German drivers are the worse! (sorry, no hard feelings please!!)
So, what if I fail? Well, that's gonna be fun, cause I'm not alowed to drive anymore. This week, or at least next week I'm gonna do the written test and hopefully the can schedule me in for the road test before April 27th:-))
I'm not gonna tell you when I will go for my written test, you'll see a big shout here if I pass ok?
Tomorrow I have to get my Medical done for the immigration papers, so of to Hamilton! Henk's taking the day off, he has earned it, not one day off since he started working in August. Maybe we can make a nice day out, we'll see, got no idea how much time that Medical will take! Hopefully I'm healthy.... if not...... maybe it's bye bye Marjolein and back to Holland!!


Tjeerd en Kiki said...

Good luck with the driving 'thing', we had to do that too. We are in the same situation, we are working on getting a green card. Medicals, all the other 'crap', it's not easy.....

Good Luck on everything! we'll stay in touch :-)

Anonymous said...

hoioi ik zal voor je duimen maar natuurlijk haal je je schriftelijk!!!!!!!!! vertrouwen in jezelf please.
hennen wij ook!!!!
en gezond?????? ach misschien geestelijk een tic of zoiets maar .....dat is ook de leijsma kant ha ha

kuziiesssss ineke

Francine said...

SUCCES meid!!!

eliane said...

heel veel succes meid .
You can do it !!!!
Ik duim elke dag even voor je okay ??

Andrea said...

Wat een spannende dingen allemaal daar!!
ik duim ook met de rest mee!

Anonymous said...

Heel veel succes meid! Gaat hopelijk gewoon lukken. Mireille_A

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me "I am not going to fail" positive thinging hun - it'll get you there, good luck anyways :) xx

Marjo said...

En, heb je nu een stempeltje OK op je voorhoofd??