Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dream your dreams and snow!

The new challenges at Category Stories..... Dream! Everybody dreams, big ones, small ones...
Sometimes maybe life changing ones..... Me? I've had my dreams.... I just wish for my daughters to Dream their Dreams....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Everything I used is Basic Grey Blush, yes, another BG line, another old line, but I still love them so very much, that I don't even mind working with older papers!

Buttons, chipboard letters, rub-ons, ribbons and the use of a Zigpen did the rest of the work and I love it!


Another thing...., it is snowing...... a lot...... very tiny flakes, but so many, it's weird, you can actually hear them fall... This is the neighbours front yard, with on the bottom, my driveway.

In an hour time, it's completely couvered with snow....... and they say it's gonna snow all day.... 5-8 cm.......
This is the deck, photo shot at 10 am.... wonder what it's going to like like in a couple of hours... I'll just shoot some more at lunch time I guess!

Here's the deck again.... at noon.... lots more!

And my drive way, after I was cleaning it for about 45 minutes! It looks so different now, do you know the sound of snow? Well, I didn't, till I live here... It's really silent, and still, you can hear the snowflakes fall, I love it!


Paula J Atkinson said...

Glad to see you are feeling more yourself & scrapping. Perfect weather for it too. Love the page it is delicious. I never wanted to own blush but think it might be great for my cards. I long to have Periphery but right now cash is just too tight.

Im getting into the festive spirit now my steroid spray is working & am cracking on with my Christmas Traditions minibook in a tin & my star book!

Gorgeous snow pictures.xx

butterfly said...

Geweldig die sneeuw. Mooie foto's trouwens. Wij zullen dit jaar geen witte kerst hebben zoals het er nu uitziet. groetjes uit Holland,

Margriet Tournier said...

Wauw! Wat een mooie layout! En wat heerlijk die sneeuw. I am dreaming of a white Christmas for 38 years already......

Birgit said...

Ooohhh, ik ben zoooo jaloers!!! Ik wil ook sneeuw! al was het maar voor de foto's, haha!
Mooie LO hoor! En BG blijft mooi!

Anonymous said...

Wow, lekker man al die sneeuw. Hier vriest het alleen maar, zonder sneeuw. Nou ja, vriezen...vast niet zoals bij jullie...hier ong. -5 in de nacht. Maar wel knap koud, ben ik ff niet meer gewend. Heeft toch wel wat, die sneeuw. Geluid heb ik idd nog nooit gehoord, zal vast prettig klinken!!
Leuke foto's sis!!!

Love ya,

Unknown said...

A beautiful layout, I love the photo!
Look at all that snow, just once I would love for the boys (and me) to experience a white christmas!

jess said...

Your layout is beautiful!!
And the SNOW!!! WOW! I love it!! I hope it stays "white" for your christmas!!!

Je@net said...

Super gave lo sis!! Mooie foto van de meiden en prachtig verwerkt!

En die sneeuwfoto's.....wauw, ziet er prachtig uit!! Geniet ervan!

Anonymous said...

Dear Marjo,

At least you are walking IN A WINTERWONDERLAND this year....
Just like Birgit: LOVELY PIC's and YEP! BG IS GORGEOUS! LOVE TEH LO!!!!

Love, Jen.

michelle said...

I love anything BG, I don't care how "old" it is. I love your page and those pics are gorgeous.

*~SCRAP-GEK~* said...

super gave Lo joh! en die sneeuw.....wauw.....ikke wil ook! dat is pas echt winter/kerst! heerlijk! kun je niet wat sneeuw deze kant op sturen! LOL! fijn weekend alvast! groetjes marije.

Tjeerd en Kiki said...

OOhh en wij hebben de hele week nog temperaturen van boven 20 graden gehad. Sneeuw zien we hier zelden!
Wat heeeerlijk, een witte kerst! Enjoy en Happy Holidays!!


Shelley said...

Your layouts are gorgeous!!! I've never seen snow before really so your photos look beautiful :) Would be so lovely to have a truly 'white Christmas' :D

M@risk@ said...

Prachtige layering in je layout, mooie kleuren ook. De kinderen zijn jaloers op zo veel sneeuw.

Manon Keir said...

Beautiful LO, I would LOVE to hear snow fall, sounds magical!!