Wednesday, December 26, 2007

AJC #51

This weeks prompt is: Made me think of you.Is there something you see, or hear, or do, that makes you think straight away about somebody special?

Oh, yes there is, any musical I see or hear, makes me think of my mom, and this card represents one of them, that we both love!

It's a little later then usual, but hey, had Christmas stuff to prepare, going away for a day with friends, and most of all, eat Turkey yesterday with Hank's brother and wife! Boy, did we have a great day........ we had so much fun, that I didn't even take pictures.... must have been the wine ha, ha!!

Hope you all had a great Christmas too!! And only one more week to go...... it's just weird...... every Monday it was the first thing I did, check out the prompt for that week... I can't wait to see what Em comes up with for next year!


Shelley said...

Love your card Marjolein :) I grew up with this one too! My Mum used to take us to see musicals whenever she could and we always had so much fun. I know what you mean about this card challenge coming to an end... wonder what Em has up her sleeve for next year???

Anonymous said...

Dear Marjo,

What a nice card!
How is it possible that this wonderful musical "The sound of music"brings back so many wonderful memories to both of us?!?!
I really admired the actress Julie Andrews very much when I was younger. And I still enjoy the songs.

Love, Jen.
You know what I also like every year with X-mas? The movies "Sissi".
Yep! I know....Very ol'fashioned, but sooooooOOOOOOO ROMANTIC!

Love and hugs, Jen.

saffiertje said...

Such a wonderful card and such a great story!Maerry xmas and all the best for2008!

michelle said...

GIRL! I love this card. this is one of my all time faves EVER! I think I can still do the Lindlary dance that maria and the captain do! BTW I got my layout! It is so beautiful thank you!

Paula J Atkinson said...

Fabulous card. I love the journalling.
Did you get any Christmas scrapping done?

Essie said...

Your card is really great. Hope you had a wonderful Xmas and wish you all the best for 2008. Love, es

linda loe said...

yeh the sound of music it was my first movie ever. You never forget it.

Aukje said...

Wij hebben er de eerste kerstdag ook weer stukjes van gezien:)
Mooie kaart.
Fijne kerstdagen gehad?
Wij wel, maar ben wel blij met wat rust.

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Zo te lezen heb je fijne dagen gehad! Hier was het ook heerlijk, nu nog een aantal dagen lekker relaxen, geen school voor de kids, zalig....!!! Ik begin al te wennen aan het uitslapen, hahaha!!!! En dat kaartje, tja ik denk dat velen van ons goede herinneringen aan de Sound of Music hebben! Wat een nostalgie!

Unknown said...

Great card, I love the sound of music!

Anonymous said...

Grappig te lezen, dat de meeste van jou scrap-vriendinnen The sound of music als favoriete musical hebben. Allemaal leeftijdgenoten,natuurlijk. Weet je nog waar wij hem voor het eerst hebben gezien? Ja, in Arnhem. Dag meissie, je mom.

Je@net said...

Great card sis and a great memorie!

Lyzzydee said...

Bruilliant Card, I hadn't thought about this, but it was a big part of my growing uip as well, my mum loved the film and we had the LP way back then and played on our 'radiogram' (huge big box) over and over!!!

Trude Julie said...

What a wonderful card, and what a great memory.
Musicals are just soooo nice :)