Tuesday, December 11, 2007

AJC # 49

Emily's daughter has her birthday this week, and therefore this week's prompt is: TIME FLIES!!! Very appropriate for our Art Journal journey!

No birthdays for my daughters yet, although my DH has his b-day by the end of this year, but still, time flies, in many ways! Like this AJC journey, almost done, 3 more weeks..... unbelievable!
My card for this week is kind of simple, as I don't feel that good thanks to the flu shot I had last Friday! Never again!
I cut out the picture of the watches I found in O-magazine, painted the card cold and used my Dymo lables for the words.

As most of the weeks, my journaling is on the back of the card.

Have a great week!


Shelley said...

That's a gorgeous card Marjolein! Love the gold.. makes it all stand out really well. I hope you're feeling better again really soon!!! :) Hugs from NZ

Mireille said...

Yes time flies when you're having fun! ;-)

Unknown said...

An awesome card, love the watches pic. It sure has flown, Ive enjoyed this journey so much!

Anonymous said...

I too can't believe how fast the year has flown by. I love the picture of the watches.

michelle said...

I can't believe it either how fast this year went! love how you used the watches. cool.

Paula J Atkinson said...

Gorgeous card. Love the images & the journalling on the back looks great against your painting. The year has disappeared at an alarming rate!

Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Ja, erg hรจ zo hard als de tijd gaat! Het lijkt wel alsof een jaar voorbij vliegt! Hoe berg je trouwens deze kaartjes allemaal op? Het is wel een supergaaf naslagwerkje zo van een heel jaar.

saffiertje said...

Great card marjolein! Those watches...awesome! Time flies as if it's nothing...For us there was a moving two years ago as well....How's life? Hope you still enjoy it overthere!

Tessa Tegendraads said...

oooh wat schattig en de ginger bread huisjes zijn ook te schattig!!!


Jennifer Davis said...

It is so crazy how time flies! Hope you are feeling better after that shot...I didn't get one this year. Crossing my fingers that I don't end up getting sick!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

Love your journaling and the fun photo!

Birgit said...

Great card Marjolein! Have a great week too!

Margriet Tournier said...

You're right. Time flies, but only when you're having fun... So I hope that means you had a good year? I like the idea of a Art Journal. Maybe next year....

Je@net said...

Mooie kaart sis! En ja, wat vliegt de tijd he!! Lijkt wel of het elk jaar sneller gaat!!

Deborah said...

Love your card, what a great design and love the Dymo words. Hope you're feeling better soon :)