After lunch we went to the place where the officers learn to aim and shoot, police cars are there, and cars from "the bad guys", and it is very cool to see this!
This is the kind of car you see here in Ontario, the O.P.P. also known as the Ontario Provincial Police, or, as the kids like to say, Ontario Party Poopers!!
After that, we went outside were a lot of officers were practicing shooting, I thought that was pretty cool, made a lot of noice too! Unfortunately, we weren't alowed to get close or even get in the practice space, so I had to zoom in real good! A lot of kids put their hand over their ears, cause it was so loud!
On the facility a small town is build, so "real life" can be practiced, like bank robberies, bar fights, stuff like that, pretty neat!
Britget, Emily, Anouk and Perin... trying to listen....but very very tired........We had a great day, the busride back to school was very warm, it was 35 degrees.... real nice in a bus with no airco! But... it had windows and they sure were open!!
Wow, ziet er uit als een super leuke dag voor leerlingen Ên voor ouders! Gaaf dat je mee mocht!
wat een leuke en leerzame dag jongens!! ja dat schieten had ik ook wel even willen proberen maar ja dat mag natuurlijk weer niet!!dus bij jullie ook al warm weer pfff vandaag hier ook zeer benauwd ik vind het niet echt lekker maar ja het is niet anders groetjes!!
wauw , vet stoer zeg .........
wat leuk dat je mee kon en mocht !
Wow great pictures, sounds like you've had a fun day.
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