Monday, July 23, 2007


Linda, thanks so much for making me a Rockin' Girl Blogger! I'm honoured, and very happy to put the logo on my blog!!

And now I have to nominate 5 other girls who deserve this award! OK, here it goes!

Jeanet, for being such a very good friend and "Sister", even with a big ocean between us!

Mireille A. because I just like your way of writing!

Francine, because you are so down-to-earth in your blogging!

Paule, because.... we've had good times back in Holland and you are a very good and dear friend!

Eliane, because we've had so many nice times, coffee visits, phone conversations and still are close! I know you are on holidays now, so maybe when you get back!

For some reason I can't put this logo in the side bar, hopefully I will be able to in the next couple of days!


Paule said...

Wouw, Marjolein,
wat een eer!! Is het de bedoeling dat ik het logo ergens op mijn blog zet en ook 5 mensen nomineer?
Daar ga ik eens goed over na denken!!!

Tjeerd en Kiki said...

You rock girl!!

Good job! :)

Mireille said...

Awww wat ontzettend lief zeg!! Ik loop wat achter met het lezen van alle Weblogs want het is hier even erg druk en rommelig geweest. Maar vanavond gaat Marco een avondje naar de film en liggen de mannetjes lekker te slapen. Tijd dus om alle verloren tijd in te halen! ;-)

linda loe said...

Graag gedaan je verdiende hem :-)